Resolution passed by the Storthing authorizing the late Ministry
to carry on the Government of Norway
Kundgjørelse om Kongens Ophør at fungere som norsk Konge og Unionens Opløsning
Kundgjørelse om Kongens Ophør at fungere som norsk Konge og Unionens Opløsning
(Kristiania, 7. juni 1905)
Da statsraadets samtlige medlemmer har nedlagt sine embeder,
da Hans majestæt kongen har erklæret sig ude af stand til at skaffe landet en ny regjering, og
da den konstitutionelle kongemagt saaledes er traadt ud af virksomhed,
bemyndiger stortinget medlemmene af det idag aftraadte statsraad til inntil videre som Den norske regjering at udøve den kongen tillagte myndighed i overenstemmelse med Norges riges grundlov og gjældende love - med de ændringer, som nødvendiggjøres derved, at foreningen med Sverige under en konge er opløst som følge af, at kongen har ophørt at fungere som norsk konge.
(In English)
Resolution passed by the Storthing authorizing the late
Ministry to carry on the Government of Norway
Christiania, 7 June 1905.
Whereas all the members of the Ministry have resigned their
Whereas His Majesty the King has declared himself unable to
procure for the country a new Government; and
Whereas the Constitutional Royal Power has thus ceased to be
in function:
The Storting authorizes the members of the Ministry resigning
today, for the present, in the capacity of the Norwegian
Government, to exercise the authority vested in the King in
accordance with the Fundamental Law of the Kingdom of Norway
and the laws in force, with such modifications as are necessitated
by the fact that the union with Sweden under one King has been
dissolved in consequence of the King having ceased to act as
Norwegian King.
Norwegian text: Heiberg, Jakob Vilhelm: Unionens opløsning 1905. Officielle aktstykker, Kristiania, 1906, s. 206.
The Storting resolution was also published in Norsk Lovtidend, 2den Afdeling, 1905, p. 252; as well as on 8 June 1905 in Norsk Lovtidend, 1ste Afdeling, No. 27.
English text: British and foreign papers. 1904-1905, Vol. XCVIII (98),
London: Foreign Office, 1909, p. 795-796.
This page was last updated on Wednesday 30 June 2010
(first time published at in 1999).
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