Res. ang. Forandring af Navnet paa Ladegaardsøens Hovedgaard

Res. concerning the changing of the name of Ladegaardsøens Hovedgaard

28 Febr 1877

Res. ang. Forandring af Navnet paa Ladegaardsøens Hovedgaard

Kongelig Resolution, hvorved er bestemt, at Ladegaardsøens Hovedgaard herefter bliver at benævne Bygdø Kongsgaard.

(Unofficial translation)

28 Feb 1877

Res. concerning the changing of the name of Ladegaardsøens Hovedgaard

Royal Resolution, by which it is decided, that Ladegaardsøens Hovedgaard hereafter is to be called Bygdø Kongsgaard [Bygdø Royal Farm].

Source and comments

Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1877, p. 96.

The first volume of Norsk Lovtidend (the Legal Gazette) had no index, so the title of the resolution is unknown. My use of title is therefore unofficial only.

This page was last updated on Tuesday 6 September 2011
(first time published at on Thursday 9 September 2004).

© 2004–2011 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth