Kgl. Tilkjendegivende om Kronprindsens Formæling
Royal Notification concerning the Crown Prince's Nuptials
26 Sept.
Kgl. Tilkjendegivende om Kronprindsens Formæling
Kongeligt Tilkjendegivende. I Statsraad den 26 September 1881 behagede det Hans Majestæt Kongen, som samme Dag lykkeligt var kommen tilbage fra sin Reise til Storhertugdømmet Baden, naadigst at tilkjendegive, at Hans Kongelige Høihed Kronprindsens Formæling med Hendes Høihed Prindsesse Sophie Marie Victoria af Baden havde fundet Sted i Carlsruhe den 20de f.M., samt at befale, at Underretning om denne for de forenede Riger og for Kongehuset vigtige og glædelige Begivenhed bliver at meddele den Norske Regjering.
26 September
Royal Notification concerning the Crown Prince's Nuptials
Royal Notification. In State Council the 26th of September 1881 His Majesty, who on the same day happily had returned from his Journey to the Grand Duchy of Baden, was pleased graciously to notify, that His Royal Highness The Crown Prince's Nuptials with Her Highness Princess Sophie Marie Victoria of Baden had taken Place in Carlsruhe on the 20th the previous Month, and to command, that Information about this for the United Realms and for the Royal House important and happy Event is to be communicated to the Norwegian Government.
Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1881, Kristiania: 1881, p. 273.
This page was last updated on Tuesday 6 September 2011
(first time published at on Wednesday 19 June 2002).
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