Res. om Tilladelse for «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads» til at føre det norske Orlogsflag

Res. concerning Permission for the «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads» to fly the Norwegian Naval Flag

6 Decbr

Res. om Tilladelse for «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads» til at føre det norske Orlogsflag»

Kongelig Resolution, hvorved det tillades «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads» paa sine Fartøier at føre det norske Orlogsflag med Hs. Majestæts kronede Navneziffer i Guld paa et hvidt firkantet Felt.

(Unofficial translation)

6 December

Res. concerning Permission for the «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads»1 to fly the Norwegian Naval Flag

Royal Resolution, by which the «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads»1 on its ships is given Permission to fly the Norwegian Naval Flag with His Majesty's crowned Name numeral in Gold on a white Square.


Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1884, Christiania: 1884, p. 349.


1 «Norsk Forening for Lystseilads» could be translated to «Norwegian Club of Yachting» or «Norwegian Club of Pleasure Cruising».

Norsk Forening for Lystseilads was founded in 1883 and was after the said resolution renamed to Kongelig Norsk Seilforening, by the KNS translated to «The Royal Norwegian Yacht Club». See its website for more information. The page includes the KNS flag-flying rules (in Norwegian only).

The resolution of 6 December 1884 above is considered as being repealed by the resolution of 27 January 1906.

This page was last updated on Tuesday 6 September 2011
(first time published at on Monday 17 June 2002).

© 2002–2011 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth