Kgl. Meddelelse om Prinds Eriks Fødsel
Royal Announcement concerning the Birth of Prince Erik
20 April 1889
Kgl. Meddelelse om Prinds Eriks Fødsel
Kongelig Meddelelse, afgiven i sammensat Statsraad, om at Hendes Kongelige Høihed Kronprindsessen samme Dags Formiddag Kl. 3,42 lykkelig var bleven forløst med en Prinds, som i den hellige Daab skulde erholde Navnet Erik Gustav Ludvig Albert.1
- Meddelt samme Dag i norsk Statsraad, hvor Hans Majestæt derhos befalede, at den nyfødte Prinds skulde indbefattes i Kirkebønnen for Hans Majestæt Kongen og det Kongelige Hus. – Meddelelse til Storthinget er skeet under 15 Mai næstefter.
20 April 1889
Royal Announcement concerning the Birth of Prince Erik
Royal Announcement, given in joint State Council, that Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess in the morning at 3,42 the same Day was happily delivered of a Prince, who in the holy Baptism was to obtain the Name Erik Gustav Ludvig Albert.1
- Announced the same Day in Norwegian State Council, where His Majesty also commanded, that the newborn Prince should be included in the Church Prayer for His Majesty the King and the Royal House. – Announcement to the Storthing took place at 15 May the following.
Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1889, Kristiania, 1889, p. 123.
HRH Prince Erik of Sweden and Norway, Duke of Västmanland, ceased to be a Prince of Norway at the day of his grandfather King Oscar II's abdication on 26 October 1905. Prince Erik died on 9 May 1918.
This page was last updated on Thursday 22 March 2012
(first time published on Wednesday 10 July 2002).
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