Kgl. Meddelelse om Prindsesse Eugenies Død
Royal Announcement concerning the Death of Princess Eugenie
23 April 1889
Kgl. Meddelelse om Prindsesse Eugenies Død
Kongelig Meddelelse, afgiven i sammensat Statsraad, om at Hendes Kongelige Høihed Prindsesse til Sverige og Norge Charlotte Eugenie Augusta Amalie Albertine Kl. 3/4 til 1 samme Dags Formiddag var afgaaet ved Døden.1
1 Meddelt samme Dag i norsk Statsraad, hvor Hans Majestæt derhos befalede, at Meddelelse skulde afgives til Storthinget.
23 April 1889
Royal Announcement concerning the Death of Princess Eugenie
Royal Announcement, given in joint State Council, that Her Royal Highness Princess of Sweden and Norway Charlotte Eugenie Augusta Amalie Albertine had died at 3/4 to 1 in the Morning the same Day.1
1 Announced the same Day in Norwegian State Council, where His Majesty also commanded, that the Announcement should be given to the Storthing.
Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1889, Kristiania, 1889, p. 123.
HRH Princess Eugenie of Sweden and Norway was born on 24 April 1830. She was the only daughter of the then Crown Prince Oscar and Crown Princess Josephine of Sweden and Norway.
This page was last updated on Tuesday 23 October 2012
(first time published on Wednesday 10 July 2002).
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