Res. ang. Prinsesse Ingeborgs Forløsning med en Datter

Res. concerning Princess Ingeborg's Delivery of a Daughter

28 Marts

Res. ang. Prinsesse Ingeborgs Forløsning med en Datter

Kongelig Resolution, hvorved Hs. Maj. bl.a. befalede den norske Regjering meddelt den for de forenede Riger glædelige Efterretning, at Hendes Kongelige Høihed Prinsesse Ingeborg samme Dag Kl. 8,40 Eftermiddag lykkelig var bleven forløst med en Datter, som i den hellige Daab skulde erholde Navnet Märtha Sofia Lovisa Dagmar Thyra, og som bliver at indbefatte i Kirkebønnen for Hans Majestæt Kongen og det Kongelige Hus.


28 March

Res. concerning Princess Ingeborg's Delivery of a Daughter

Royal Resolution, by which His Majesty among others commanded the Norwegian Government to announce the for the united Realms joyful News, that Her Royal Highness Princess Ingeborg the same Day at 8,40 p.m. was happily delivered of a Daughter, who in the holy Baptism was to obtain the name Märtha Sofia Lovisa Dagmar Thyra, and is to be included in the Church Prayer for His Majesty The King and the Royal House.


Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling.1901, Kristiania: 1901, p. 133.


HRH Princess Märtha of Sweden and Norway ceased to be a Princess of Norway at the day of her grandfather King Oscar II's abdication on 26 October 1905. She later became Crown Princess of Norway by marrying the then Crown Prince Olav on 21 March 1929.

This page was last updated on Thursday 29 July 2010
(first time published at on Monday 18 February 2002).

© 2002-2010 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth