Fundamental Statute of the Kingdom
of Albania - 4 June 1939*
Chapter I. - General Provisions
Chapter II. - The King
Chapter III. - The Government of the King
Chapter IV. - Superior Corporative Fascist Council
Chapter V. - Judicial Order
Chapter VI. - The Rights and Duties of Citizens
Chapter VII. - Final Provisions
Text of the Statute signed by His Majesty the King-Emperor and
handed to His Excellency Shevket Verlafi, Prime Minister and
Head of the Albanian Delegation in Rome, on June 3, 1939
(year XVII)
* The 1939 Constitution was forced on Albania by an invading, occupying power and not recognized by a majority of the international community.
Victor Emmanuel III
By the grace of God and the will of the nation, King of Italy
and Albania, Emperor of Ethiopia.
In accepting the offer of the Crown of Albania, decided by
the Constituent Assembly, gathered at Tirana on 12 April 1939
(year XVII), we have undertaken the high duty of interesting
ourselves in our Albanian sons and leading this noble people,
revived under. the emblem of the victor towards its higher
Taking into consideration that, to attain these objectives, it
is absolutely necessary to fix the structure of the state in
harmony with the highest national interests, we have decided
to bestow on our beloved Albanian people a fundamental
statute as token of our love and paternal care. Being inspired
by these feelings we have decreed and decree -
Fundamental Statute of the Albanian Kingdom
Chapter I. - General Provisions
Art. 1. The Albanian state is ruled by a monarchical
constitutional government.
The throne is hereditary, according to the Salic law, in the
dynasty of His Majesty Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy
and Albania, Emperor of Ethiopia.
Art. 2. The Albanian flag is red with a double-headed black
eagle in the middle and the emblem of the lictorial fasces.
Art. 3. The official language of the state is Albanian.
Art. 4. All religions are respected. The free exercise of
worship and its outward practice is guaranteed in conformity
with the laws.
Art. 5. The legislative power is exercised by the King in
collaboration with the superior fascist corporative council.
Art. 6. The executive power appertains to the King.
Art. 7. Justice emanates from the King and is administered his name
by the judges whom he appoints.
Art. 8. The interpretation of the laws, in manner binding on all,
appertains exclusively to the legislative power.
Art. 9. The organisation of municipal and provincial institutions
is determined by law.
Chapter II. - The King
Art. 10. The person of the King is immune and inviolable.
Art. 11. The King is of age when he has completed his year.
During the minority of the King. or in case the King, being
of age, cannot reign owing to physical incapacity, the powers
of the King shall be exercised by a Regent. The Regency shall
appertain to the Regent of the Italian Kingdom.
Art. 12. The King may nominate a Lieutenant-General. The
Lieutenant-General shall exercise all the powers of King, with
the exception of those which the King reserves expressly to
Art. 13. The King is the supreme head of the state; he commands
the armed forces; declares war; concludes peace; makes
international treaties, notifying the superior fascist corporative
council as soon as the interest and security of the state permit.
Art. 14. The King appoints to all offices of state.
Art. 15. The King makes the necessary decrees and regulations
for the application of the laws and for controlling the
and functioning of the state administrations.
When reasons of strict and absolute necessity require it, the King
may apply dispositions which have the force of law. In this case
the Royal decree shall be presented to the superior fascist
corporative council to be converted into law.
Art. 16. The initiation (proposal) of laws appertains to the King
and to the superior fascist corporative council. But the initiation
of laws which have a constitutional character or which increase
expenditure appertains only to the King.
Art. 17. The King gives binding effect to and promulgates the
Art. 18. The King may grant pardon and amend punishments.
Art. 19. The King may create orders of chivalry and determine
their statutes.
Art. 20. The King may grant titles of nobility.
Art. 21. Nobody may accept decorations, titles or pensions from
a foreign state without the consent of the King.
Chapter III. - The Government of the King
Art. 22. The King nominates and dismisses the ministers
secretaries of state. They are responsible for all the acts and
transactions of their ministries.
Art. 23. The King. when he considers it necessary. may call a
meeting of and preside over the council of ministers.
Art. 24. The ministers secretaries of state have always free
access to the superior fascist corporative council and at their
request must be heard.
Art. 25. The laws and acts of the government have no validity
except when they bear the signature of a minister.
Chapter IV. - Superior Corporative Fascist Council
Art. 26. The superior fascist council consists of the members
of the central council of the Albanian fascist party and of the
effective members of the central council of corporative economy.
The composition of the central council of the Albanian fascist
party and that of the central council of corporative economy
cannot be changed except by law.
Art. 27. The councillors must have. the following qualifications: -
- Have attained the age of 25 years.
- Enjoy civil and political rights.
- Possess the other qualifications required by law.
Art. 28. The competency to ascertain whether the conditions
of admissibility of councillors exist appertains to a commission
composed of the president and vice-presidents of the superior
corporative fascist council.
Art. 29. The councillors before being admitted to the exercise
of their functions take the oath that they will be loyal to King,
that they will loyally respect the statute and the laws of the state,
and that they will exercise their functions with the sole object
of the inseparable welfare of the King and the country.
Art. 30. The councillors are entitled to annual emoluments
which are determined by law.
Art. 31. The councillors vacate their office when they vacate the
functions which they exercise in the councils which together
form the superior fascist corporative council.
Art. 32. The superior fascist corporative council is convoked
by the King. It further appertains to the King to fix the sessions
and to prorogue them.
Art. 33. The president and vice-president of the superior fascist
corporative council are nominated by the King. The president
of the superior fascist corporative council makes nominations
to the other offices provided for in the regulations of superior
Art. 34. No subject may be put on the agenda of the superior
fascist corporative council without the authorisation of King.
Art. 35. The sessions of the superior fascist corporative council
are held publicly. But when the ministers request it the council
may decide in secret.
Art. 36. Voting always takes place in an open manner.
Art. 37. Bills (projects of law) approved by the superior fascist
corporative council are presented to the King for his sanction.
The King may refuse his sanction. He may also call a second
discussion of bills.
Art. 38. The superior fascist council determines by an internal
regulation of its own the manner according to which it shall
exercise its own attributions.
Art. 39. The superior fascist corporative council has the right
to impeach the ministers of the King for offences committed
in the exercise of their functions and to bring them before the
high court of justice.
Chapter V. - Judicial Order
Art. 40. The organisation and competence of the tribunals are
determined by law.
Art. 41. The Judges are independent in the exercise of their
functions. They are irremovable subject to the law on judicial
Art. 42. Nobody may be withdrawn from the jurisdiction of
his natural judges. Consequently extraordinary tribunals may
not be created except in cases provided for by law.
Art. 43. To judge ministers accused by the superior fascist
corporative council the high court of justice is created.
The court is composed of nine members nominated by the
King. The rules regarding the organisation of the high court
of justice and the exercise of its attributions are determined
by law.
Art. 44. The hearings of the courts in civil and penal matters
are held publicly. and in conformity with the law.
Chapter VI. - The Rights and Ditties of Citizens
Art. 45. All citizens are equal before the law. They enjoy
civil and political rights and are admitted in civil and military
offices, except for the exemptions determined by law.
Art. 46. All citizens without exception contribute in proportion
to their means to the burden of state expenditure.
Art. 47. No one shall be subject to any payment except as
provided for by law.
Art. 48. Military service is obligatory for all in conformity
with the law on recruiting the army.
Art. 49. Personal liberty is guaranteed. Nobody may be arrested
and sent before a court except in cases provided by the law and
in the form it orders.
Art. 50. The place of residence is inviolable. No residence
may be forcibly entered except in conformity with the law
and in the manner provided for by the law.
Art. 51. The press is free. subject to a law prohibiting its abuse.
Art. 52. All property without exception is inviolable.
Nevertheless. when the public interest, legally verified. requires
it, property may be ceded fully or partially on payment
equitable compensation in conformity with the law.
Chapter VII - Final Provisions
Art. 53. All laws conflicting with this statute are abrogated.
Art. 54. This statute shall enter into force on the 4th June 1939
(Year - XVII).
Given in Rome on 3 June 1939.
British and foreign state papers, 1939. Vol. 143, London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1951, pp. 327-332.
This page was last updated on Wednesday 6 January 2010
(first time published in 1999).
© 1999-2010 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth