Kongelig Patent af 6te Juli 1825

Royal Patent of 6 July 1825

Kongelig Patent af 6te Juli 1825

Den 6te Julii har det behaget Hs. Majestæt allernaadigst at tillade Hs. høifyrstelige Durchlauchtighed, Hertug Friedrich Wilhelm Paul Leopold til Slesvig-Holsten-Sønderburg Beck, for sig og hans samtlige ægte Descendentere, tillige at føre det Hertugelige Navn og Titel, som Hertug af Glúcksburg.

(Unofficial translation)

Royal Patent of 6 July 1825

On the 6th of July it has pleased His Majesty graciously to allow His Highprincely1 Serene Highness, Duke Friederich Wilhelm Paul Leopold of Slesvig-Holsten-Sønderburg Beck, for himself and all his legitimate descendants, to use the Ducal Name and Title, as Duke of Glücksburg.


1 The (now outdated) Danish version of the German style "Hochfürstlich Durchlaucht" is here translated into "Highprincely Serene Highness", although as far as I know there is no exact equivalent in the English language.


Collegial-Tidende for Danmark, Kjøbenhavn, Otte og Syvende Aargang, 1825, p. 526 (Collegial-Tidende for Danmark. Med kongelig allernaadigst Privilegium. Redigeret, forlagt og udgivet af P.J. Monrad og Dr. A.G. Ørsted).

The royal patent was included in Collegial-Tidende for Danmark, No. 39/1825, published on 16 July 1825. The text above is a summary of the actual patent, which in in its original can be found at Schloss Glücksburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, while a copy can be found at Det Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library), Copenhagen, Denmark.

I hope to get hold of a copy of the complete text of the patent in the near future.


All contemporary sources show that the descendants of the Duke of Glücksburg in the male line used the title Prince/Princess of Glücksburg. The phrase "for himself and all his legitimate descendants, to use the Ducal Name and Title" could only be understood to mean that the ducal house was to be inherited in the agnatic line, not that all descendants should have the title Duke or Duchess of Glücksburg. The name of the house was Glücksburg, but we have seen in "Royal Ordinance settling the Succession to the Crown on Prince Christian of Glücksburg" of 31 July 1853 that Prince Christian was referred to as Prince of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg.

This page was last updated on Sunday 3 January 2010
(first time published at http://www.geocities.com/dagtho/dkres18250706.html on Tuesday 31 January 2006).

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