Övergångsbestemmelse till lagen 1979:935

Transitory Provision to Act 1979:935

Övergångsbestemmelse till lagen 1979:935

Denna lag träder i kraft den 1 januari 1980. Hans kungl. höghet hertigen av Halland, prins Bertil, skall ha successionsrätt till tronen efter Konung Carl XVI Gustaf och dennes efterkommande.

Lag 1979:935: Riksdagsbeslut 20 april 1978 och 7 november 1979. Förarbeten: Prop. 1977/78:71, Konstitutionsutskottets betänkande KU 1977/78:36, rskr 1977/78:233, KU:s initiativ 1979/80:1 och rskr 1979/80:2.


Transitory Provision to Act 1979:935

This act comes into force on 1 January 1980. His Royal Highness the Duke of Halland, Prince Bertil, shall have succession right to the throne after King Carl XVI Gustaf and his descendants.

Act 1979:935: Riksdag decisions 20 April 1978 and 7 November 1979. "Preliminary work": Prop. 1977/78:71, "Konstitutionsutskottets betänkande" (The Constitutional Committee's report) 1977/78:36, rskr 1977/78:233, "KU:s initiativ" (The CC's proposal) 1979/80:1 and rskr 1979/80:2.

The translation into English was first published at The Scandinavian Royals Message Board on 14 July 2002. Some editiorial changes have since been made in the website version above.


  • Riksdagen's website http://www.riksdagen.se, former subpage http://www.riksdagen.se/arbetar/grundbok/ (which provided the Swedish text of the Transitory Provision to Act 1979:935)
  • http://www.jit.se/lagbok/8100926r.html (page now out of existence) - Lagboken: Successionsordning (1810:0926) - Ändringar (Modifications).
  • Information from the Press- och informationskansliet, Riksdagen, received by e-mail 16 July 2002.


The Swedish Act of Succession (Act 1810:926) was sanctioned by King Carl XIII on 26 September 1810. The act made sure that only agnats could inherit the throne (salic law). The fundamental law has been modified 6 times since 1810: In 1921 (Art. 6 and 7), 1937 (Art. 5), 1949 (Art. 2), 1965 (Art. 2), 1974 (Art. 9 repealed) and last, but not least, 1979 (Art. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8; Art. 3 and 6 repealed). The text provided above constitutes a transitory provision to Act 1979:935. The most important aspect of the modifications of 1979, which came into force on 1 January 1980, was that absolute primogeniture (also called cognatic primogeniture) was introduced, bringing the then Princess Victoria of Sweden (born 14 July 1977), the eldest child of King Carl XVI Gustaf by his wife Queen Silvia, into first place in the line of succession, while her younger brother, then Crown Prince Carl Philip, born 13 May 1979, was relegated to 2nd place. Princess Victoria thus became Crown Princess while her brother got the title Prince.

The succession was limited to the descendants of King Carl XVI Gustaf, with one exception. Before the Act came into force, there was only one person with succession rights besides Prince Carl Philip, the King's uncle Prince Bertil, Duke of Halland, born 28 February 1912, who was married, but childless. As long as the King's children had not reached the age of majority, one would need a Regent to serve if the King was abroad or of bad health. Thus a transitory provision was passed securing Prince Bertil's succession rights. When the act came into force on 1 January 1980, Prince Bertil became 3rd in line of succession, and following the birth of Princess Madeleine on 10 June 1982, he was relegated to 4th. Prince Bertil died on 5 January 1997. Since then there have only been 3 persons in line of succession to the Swedish throne: HRH The Crown Princess, HRH Prince Carl Philip and HRH Princess Madeleine.

The text of all the changes to the Act of Succession, both in Swedish and in English, which I have in my archives, will be provided here later.

This page was last updated on Tuesday 6 July 2010
(first time published at http://www.geocities.com/dagtho/sweact1979-0935tp.html on Monday 15 July 2002).

© 2002-2010 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth