Res. ang. Kronprindsessens Indførelse i Kirkebønnen for det Kongelige Hus

Res. concerning the Inclusion of the Crown Princess in the Church Prayer for the Royal House

20 Sept.

Res. ang. Kronprindsessens Indførelse i Kirkebønnen for det Kongelige Hus

Høieste Resolution, hvorved bestemmes, at for Fremtiden skal i Kirkebønnen for det Kongelige Hus, næstefter Hans Kongelige Høihed Kronprindsen, indføres «Hendes Kongelige Høihed Kronprindsessen».


Res. concerning the Inclusion of the Crown Princess in the Church Prayer for the Royal House

Highest Resolution, by which it is decided, that in the Church Prayer for the Royal House, following His Royal Highness The Crown Prince, «Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess» for the future is to be included.


Norsk Lovtidende. 2den Afdeling. 1881, Kristiania: 1881, p. 270.


Because both the King and the Crown Prince were absent from the United Realms in connection with the Royal Wedding in Baden, the Government served as Regent. The expression «Høieste Resolution» («Highest Resolution») equals the expression used today, «Regjeringens res.» («The Government's Res.»).

See also Royal Notification of 26 September 1881 concerning the Crown Prince's Nuptials.

This page was last updated on Tuesday 6 September 2011
(first time published at on Wednesday 19 June 2002).

© 2002–2011 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth