Res. om opphevelse av 26. november som offisiell flaggdag

Res. concerning the repeal of 26 November as official flag-flying day

10. november 1939

Res. om opphevelse av 26. november som offisiell flaggdag

Den 26. november, avdøde Dronning Mauds fødselsdag, blir opphevet som offisiell flaggdag.

(Unofficial translation)

10 November 1939

Res. concerning the repeal of 26 November as official flag-flying day

The 26th of November, the deceased Queen Maud's birthday, is to be repealed as official flag-flying day.


  • Notat datert 31. oktober 1939 med etterfølgende tilleggskommentarer. Jnr. 2582 UD/23538, UDs arkivserie 1906, boks 241, Riksarkivet.
    (Note dated 31 October 1939 with successive additional comments. Journal no. 2582 UD/23538, UD (FO) archives series 1906, Box 241, Riksarkivet (the National Archives).
  • Resolusjon nr. 2645/1939. Statsrådssekretariatets arkiv, resolusjonsprotokollen, Riksarkivet.
    (Resolution no. 2645/1939. The State Council Secretariat's archives, the resolution protocol, the National Archives).


The royal resolution of 10 November 1939 was for some reason never published in the Norsk Lovtidend (the Norwegian Legal Gazette), but the State Council Secretariat's resolutions protocol confirm that the resolution was passed by the King (Haakon VII). The protocol also shows that the then Crown Prince Olav (later King Olav V) was present at the state council held at the Oslo Palace.

The text of the resolution is taken from the said protocol, but the headline is the website editor's own making, partly based on the headline in the above-mentioned note of 31 October 1939.

The resolution was an amendment to the flag regulations of 21 October 1927 No. 9733 Art. 4 (consolidated version; last time modified by res. 3 Dec 2004 No. 1542).

This page was last updated on Monday 5 July 2010
(first time published at on Thursday 11 December 2003).

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