Kongeriget Norges Grundlov av 17. mai 1814

The Constitution of the Kingdom of Norway of 17 May 1814

Innhold (Contents)

Konsoliderte versjoner (Consolidated versions)

Grunnlovsbestemmelser (Constitutional modifications/amendments)

Forarbeider (Preparatory works)

Grunnlovsforslag (Constitutional bills)

Grunnlovstolkninger (Interpretations of the Constitution)

Nyheter og artikler (News and articles)

Historikk og annen informasjon (History and other information)

Diverse pekere (Various links)

Om denne siden (About this page)

This page is meant to give a survey of consolidated (updated) and historical versions of the Norwegian Constitution and of all the modifications or amendments to the Constitution passed in the period between 1814 and today. It is a huge project, so please accept that it will take some time to finish it. Unfortunately most of the texts will be in Norwegian only.

Andre Hoelseth-sider (Other Hoelseth pages)

The many links at this site lead to web sites over which the webmaster has no control and for which he cannot accept responsibility. The opinions expressed at these sites do not necessarily reflect the views of the webmaster, and he does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

This page was last updated on Monday 19 August 2013
(first time published at http://www.geocities.com/dagtho/grunnloven.html on Wednesday 23 February 2005).

© 2005–2013 Dag Trygsland Hoelseth